Trade card advertising Ayer's Ague as a cure for fever, ague, and all malarial disorders. Illustration of swallows and water lillies in the background.
Trade card printed on one side, advertising Ayer's cherry pectoral for the cure of coughs, colds, sore throat, croup, bronchitis, asthma, influenza, and all diseases of the throat and lungs. Picture of roses.
Trade card printed on one side advertising Draper's Pharmacy, located "under Hayne's Hotel" in Springfield, Massachusetts. Illustrated with image of flowering grape vine.
Trade card printed on one side with illustration of two girls in a garden setting, holding a lady's fan open before them. "Mrs. Dinsmore's Cough and Croup Balsam will cure a cough in one day and the croup in one minute."
Trade card advertising Dr. R.C. Flower's Nerve Pills, "the great brain and nerve food." Illustration of floral nosegay. Printed at bottom: "Henry French, Kingston, NH."
Trade card printed on one side advertising remedies produced by Charles W. Horn, Manufacturer and available [for order?] by telephone from Rober W.P. Horn, Allentown, PA. Includes price list "Effective July 1, 1925" for various products. "Laboratory located at Slatington, PA."
Trade card printed on one side advertising laundry detergent. Illustration of boy punting in boat made of a half walnut shell. Card torn across lower right corner.
Blue paper wrapper for medicinal powder. Text provides instructions in German on how to prepare medication in combination with another product by same manufacturer, mixed in purified water.