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Dr. Morses Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Root the Great Blood Purifier
Dr. Morses Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Root the Great Blood Purifier
Dr. Morses
Old Doctor Samuel F. Stowe's Dyspepsia Cure or Compound Medicated Lozenges
Old Doctor Samuel F. Stowe's Dyspepsia Cure or Compound Medicated Lozenges
Old Doctor Samuel F. Stowe's Dyspepsia Cure or Compound Medicated Lozenges
Fasciculus medicine : similitudo complexionum & elementorum. [1500]
Fasciculus medicine ... tractans de anothomia et diversis infirmitatibus, et corporis humani...[1513]
Cas-car-ria is made by a distinguished chemist [from verso]
Sapanule: Sold By All Druggists
If you feel irritable take Cas-car-ria [from verso]
It pays to be well — take Cas-car-ria if sick — and save money [from verso]
Little Red-Riding-Hood [from verso]
The byrth of Mankynde newly translated out of Laten into Englyshe
Sapanule: Cures Neuralgia, Diptheria, Rheumatism &c.
This Brief Notice May Save Long Illness, Suffering, and Expense, and Even Life Itself! [from verso]
Sapanule: Sold By All Druggists
Cas-car-ria is worth its weight in gold [from verso]
Horsfords Acid Phosphate for Mental & Physical Exhaustion, Dyspepsia, &c.: It Makes a Delicious Drink with Water & Sugar Only
