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Spider, Hortus Sanitatis
Nearly 50 Years the Favorite: Piso's Cure a Medicine for Coughs Colds Etc.
De symmetria partium in rectis formis humanorum
Cookbook : manuscript, circa 1700s and 1800s
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Cures Colds, Coughs & all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs
Nature's Pleasant Laxative
Sapanule: Sold By All Druggists
Ayer's Cathartic Pills: the Country Doctor
The Toll Gate
The Morse Indian Root Pills
Sapanule: Sold by all Druggists
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Cures Coughs Colds &c: Penn's Treaty
Recipes and Remedies: Manuscript Cookbooks
Take Hood's Sarsaparilla: 100 Doses One Dollar
Valentine's Twelfth Key 
Catarrh, Neuralgia & Headache No More! Cushman's Menthol Inhaler Cures Diseases of the Head Including Hay-Fever, Colds & Bronchitis
