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(61 - 80 of 1,374)


Dr. White's Celebrated Cough Drops [from verso]
Root Collection
Facendo Il Libro: The Making of Fasciculus Medicinae, an Early Printed Anatomy
Gessner's Unicorn
Compliments of John S. Shaffer & Co., Druggists, Dealers in Dr. C. McLean's Liver Pills and Vermifuge
If you feel irritable take Cas-car-ria [from verso]
Should Midsummer Urgency Be Met By Midsummer Appeal?
If you are Weak, Languid, Nervous or Suffer from Dyspepsia
Your Cough or Cold can be Cured by Using Hartshorn's Cough Balsam
Hunnewell's Universal Cough Remedy
The Conclusion of the Matter [from verso]
Naughty Puss!: Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge [from verso]
Saving Through Education: Will You Reprint This?
27. An account of William Burke, who was executed at Edinburgh, on Wednesday the 28th day of January, 1829, for murder : with the confession he made while under sentence of death
Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills
Distillation Apparatus
La methode curative des playes, et fractures de la teste humaine avec les pourtraits des instruments
Ayer's Hair Vigor for the Toilet: Restores Gray Hair to its Natural Vitality and Color
