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Recreation Hall, Home for Incurables (back)
Home for Incurables
3rd Avenue at 183rd St.
Manhattan Post Card Publishing Co., Inc.
New York (N.Y.)
My chair is like the one I marked X Stage is where dark curtain is & where movies are shown -- Plenty of space which is often well filled with patients in chairs on movie days -- We have a very nice library which I use very little. I am a slow reader, & my church papers and magazines and books friends give or loan me keeps me busy. Library, Chapel, Recreation room and Occupational Therapy Room all on 1st floor, as I am, so very convenient.
Hospitals -- New York (State) -- Bronx County Hospital buildings Home for Incurables St. Barnabas Hospital for Chronic Diseases Long-term care facilities Hospital wards Furniture Wheelchairs Patients Nurses Recreational therapy Wurts Bros. (New York, N.Y.) Hospitals
Bronx (New York, N.Y.)
Postcards Correspondence Interior views
Black and white
The New York Academy of Medicine