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Trade card advertising Scott's Emulsion featuring a portrait of a young boy in a nautical outfit. He has brown, curly hair, blue eyes, and flushed cheeks. The back lists the ailments the Emulsion can cure.
Our Boy: Compliments of Scott & Bowne Manufacturers of Scott's Emulsion
Scott's Emulsion
Scott & Bowne (New York (N.Y.))
Major & Knapp Engraving, Manufacturing & Lithographic Co. (New York (N.Y.))
Anemia Colds Consumption Coughs Scrofula
Advertising—Medicine Boys Children Children's Clothing Clothing And Dress Portraits
Trade cards
Front of card reads: "Compliments of Scott & Browne, manufacturers of Scott's Emulsion. 'Our Boy.'" Top, left corner missing from card.
United States
William H. Helfand Collection of Pharmaceutical Trade Cards
The New York Academy of Medicine