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Trade card advertising Boschee's German Syrup and Green's August Flower featuring a blank space where one might presumably write an address. It is surrounded by some red roses. The back lists the ailments the Syrup and the Flower can cure.
We Always Keep in Our Drug Store a Supply of Boschee's German Syrup & Green's August Flower [from verso]
Boschee's German Syrup Green's August Flower
Asthma Bronchitis Coated Tongue Colds Constipation Consumption Coughs Croup Dyspepsia Headache Heart Palpitations Heartburn Stomach Ache
Advertising—Medicine Bouquets Flowers Roses
Trade cards
Front of card reads: "Green's August Flower. Boschee's German Syrup."
United States
William H. Helfand Collection of Pharmaceutical Trade Cards
The New York Academy of Medicine