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This manuscript contains approximately 200 recipes. The first and largest section of the manuscript consists of German recipes reminiscent of recipes now identified with the "Pennsylvania Dutch" and other ethnically German communities in the Mid-Atlantic and near Midwest, as well as some American recipes. German recipes include boiled cheese, warm cucumber salad, noodles with sour gravy, fried sauerkraut; American recipes include pound cakes, pot pie dough, pumpkin pie, and ketchup. This section was initially attributed to Susanna Weinbrech Hoffmann (1742-1803), but the recipes suggest a later date, post-1835 and pre-1870, and consequently a different author. The following section contains recipes, mostly for desserts (cakes, pies, puddings, etc.), in a different hand. These were most likely written by Lydia A. Hoffman Smyser around 1865. Two other recipes are also present and believed to be in the hand of Mary E. F. Hoffman. These recipes are followed by six medicinal receipts in the hand of the main body of the manuscript.