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(1 - 20 of 33)


Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Cures Colds, Coughs & all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs
Sapanule: Sold By All Druggists
Ayer's Cathartic Pills: the Country Doctor
Take Hood's Sarsaparilla: 100 Doses One Dollar
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Cures Colds, Coughs & all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs
Les Veillées—La Soirée Musicale
Naughty Puss!: Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge [from verso]
Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills
I's All Right Now!: In Constant Use Since 1795
Ayer's Sarsaparilla Gives Health and Sunny Hours
Burdock Blood Bitters
La Marée Montante, Au Secours!!
The Morning Prayer [from verso]
Little Red-Riding-Hood [from verso]
N'aie pas peur, petite soeur! Elle ne nous attrapera pas! ... Nos 20 gouttes de véritable Fer Bravais nous ont donné de la force et de bonnes jambes
Ils barbotent dans l'eau toute la journée!...jamais de rhume, jamais de fatigue, depuis qu'ils prennent leurs 20 gouttes de véritable Fer Bravais
Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills
Our Boy: Compliments of Scott & Bowne Manufacturers of Scott's Emulsion
Ayer's Sarsaparilla Purifies the Blood, Stimulates the Vital Functions, restores and preserves Health…
Horsfords Acid Phosphate for Mental & Physical Exhaustion, Dyspepsia, &c.
