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(1 - 20 of 91)


Chocolat de l'Abbaye d'Igny
Everybody says the Botanical Preparations are the Best
A Simple Catechism [from verso]
H.R. Stevens' Family Balsam
Nature's Pleasant Laxative
Horsford's Acid Phosphate
This Brief Notice May Save Long Illness, Suffering and Expense [from verso]
Invalid Ladies This Is For You [from verso]
La Tisane Cisbey [from verso]
If you are Weak, Languid, Nervous or Suffer from Dyspepsia
Hunnewell's Universal Cough Remedy
The Conclusion of the Matter [from verso]
Dr. Roger's Syrup
Good For Man or Beast [from verso]
Dr. A.C. Hoxie's Certain Croup Cure
The Little Pets [from verso]
Malena is the best remedy on Earth [from verso]
Perfumed with Austen's Forest Flower Cologne
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
