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Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Cures Colds, Coughs, and all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs
Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills
Ayer's Cathartic Pills, a safe, pleasant and reliable Family Medicine
Dundas Dick & Co's Compliments
Our Boy: Compliments of Scott & Bowne Manufacturers of Scott's Emulsion
Schenck's Seaweed Tonic for Dyspepsia and Debility
We Always Keep in Our Drug Store a Supply of Boschee's German Syrup & Green's August Flower [from verso]
La Gardeuse d'Oies
Wheat Bitters
Sapanule: Cures Neuralgia, Diptheria, Rheumatism &c.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla: the Discovery of America
Horsfords Acid Phosphate for Mental & Physical Exhaustion, Dyspepsia, &c.
Le Petit Berger
Pond's Extract Co.
Hood's Sarsaparilla Purifies the blood, creates an appetite, makes the weak strong, and builds up the system
Who Said Hood's Sarsaparilla?
Sapanule: Sold By All Druggists
Hood's Latest
The Little Favorites: Ayer's Pills Sugar Coated
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
