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Hood's Sarsaparilla Purifies the blood, creates an appetite, makes the weak strong, and builds up the system
Greens August Flower. Boschee's German Syrup
Kendall's Spavin Cure [from verso]
This Brief Notice May Save Long Illness, Suffering, and Expense, and Even Life Itself! [from verso]
We Always Keep in Our Drug Store a Supply of Boschee's German Syrup & Green's August Flower [from verso]
Dr. White's Specialty for Diphtheria & Sore Throat
If You would have a darling Ride, Try the Catville Toboggan Slide
The Little Favorites: Ayer's Pills Sugar Coated
Au Régiment Spécifique Victorieux: La corvée de quartier
Schenck's Seaweed Tonic for Dyspepsia and Debility
Dr. J. H. Schenck & Son's Family Medicines
Sapanule: Sold By All Druggists
Sapanule: Sold By All Druggists
Sapanule: Sold By All Druggists
Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills
Hanson's Magic Corn Salve is Warranted to Cure Corns, Bunions, Warts, Etc.
Dundas Dick & Co.'s Compliments of the Season, 1875
Dundas Dick & Co's Compliments
Tu peux pleuvoir et nous tremper, nous ne craignons rien! Nous avons, là, notre véritable Fer Bravais qui nous préserve de toutes maladies
Kendall's Spavin Cure
